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First Time Plungers!

 First Time Plungers Guide For you first time plungers here are some helpful tips:



Ø Choose you “Plunge Day” outfit or costume with this in mind – you will be cold and possibly numb, so loose-fitting, easy-on clothes without a lot of snaps, zippers or buttons are best. When your fingers and toes are cold and wet it’s difficult to maneuver zippers, etc. and you’ll want to get your dry clothes on quickly


Ø Wear your plunging suit under the clothes you wear to the event – then you do not have to change into it, just change out of your plunging outfit/costume;


Ø Bring a loose pair of shoes to wear after the Plunge – something that will slip on easily and doesn’t have tricky laces…think Crocs or slip-on boots; and Ø Know that it’s okay to change your mind if you’re not feeling well or not comfortable.



Ø Do NOT dive in! This is a safety regulation and will be enforced by the safety team!!! Beyond that, remember that a Plunge is whatever you want it to be, so there is no pressure to fully submerge yourself.

Ø Do NOT run into the water, there might be things in the water you cannot see. You might step on them or kick them and trip. Ø Do NOT be the first to go into the water if it is your first time.



Ø A plastic bag for wet clothes.

Ø A backpack to hold street clothes and your Plunge t-shirt!

Ø Two medium size towels – one to dry with one to stand on.

Ø A dry partner to hold your valuables while you are in the water.

Ø Clean dry under garments to wear after Plunging.



If you still have questions please feel free to call Nikki Hampton , 706-271-6534.  

Plunge Policy


Plunge Policies


The Plunge is a family event and the event committee reserves the right to remove any participant and/or spectator from the grounds for behavior that does not adhere to the existing policies, and/or is deemed offensive to others. This includes possession of open containers or other illegal substances, public intoxication, lewd or inappropriate costumes, or otherwise disorderly conduct, among other things.



We are guests of the Salacoa Park Service and ask all visitors to Salacoa Beach  to obey park rules.


Absolutely NO DIVING allowed.


Plungers MUST Plunge inside the designated Plunge Zone. Only registered Plunge participants and chaperones of minor Plunge participants (15 years of age or younger) will be granted to the secure Plunge Zone.


Anyone of any age can participate, but participants under 18 must have signed parental permission from a parent or guardian.

T-Shirts are guaranteed on Plunge Day only to pre-registered participants who registered by December 1, 2014. If it is not available onsite, it will be made available post-event to all other participants.


No change will be given at registration. Please have exact change only.


Plunge attire is swimsuit and/or athletic gear (shorts, t-shirts, etc.). Wetsuits, however, are strictly prohibited.


No “bear” feet! Shoes or surf mocs are required.


No pets allowed.

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Polar Plunge
January 1 2024

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